Strategi Pembangunan Kesehatan dan Ketahanan Nasional … | Soroy Lardo | 61

Soroy Lardo

Division Tropical Medicine dan Infectious Diseases

Department of Internal Medicine

Indonesia Army Central Hospital Gatot Soebroto

Abstrak – Daya tahan bangsa bermakna konsep dan kekuatan memelihara ketahanan nasional mencakup eksistensi di tengah peradaban dan perubahan lingkungan strategis, menuju kondisi dinamis ketahanan nasional untuk memelihara keteraturan, stabilitas, dan potensi terjadinya perubahan (the stability idea of changes). Tantangan dan problematika ketahanan nasional merupakan varian dinamik yang memerlukan pemikiran komprehensif terhadap sistem, kebijakan dan strategi perilaku kebangsaan (behaviour science) yang didukung patriotisme dan energi keamanan kesehatan bangsa terhadap peran TNI untuk mengisi zona dan akumulasi pembangunan kesehatan yang menggambarkan performance keswadayaan dan ketahanan nasional. Daya juang kesehatan bangsa dalam perspektif kekuatan struktural dan partisipatif bertitik tolak kepada kemampuan menggerakkan leadership, metabolic health community dan agent of change yang memenuhi nilai keandalan High Reliability Organization (HRO). Keandalan yang terbentuk akan memicu spirit inovasi dan out the box merangkai suatu jejaring (networking) untuk perubahan, sehingga termanifestasikan sebagai performance keandalan profesional yang menjunjung tinggi potensi kesehatan bangsa dan ketahanan nasional. Sinergitas Sistem Kesehatan Nasional (SKN) dan Sistem Kesehatan Pertahanan (Siskeshan) merupakan jaring yang saling bertaut untuk mendukung upaya pemberdayaan nilai strategis kesehatan nasional. Strategi ini menguatkan jejaring ketahanan nasional (one health) terhadap kompleksitas ancaman global kesehatan yang mengancam ketahanan nasional. Tantangan global dengan adanya Public Health Emergency berupa wabah yang sedemikian cepat dengan problematika yang sulit diprediksi, memicu setiap negara memperkuat daya juang bangsa untuk mensinergikan pembangunan kesehatan berasaskan sistem ketahanan nasional.

Kata Kunci : daya tahan bangsa, leadership, agent of change, sinergitas skn-siskeshan, Unhan

Abstract – The endurance of the nation means the concept and strength of maintaining national resilience that covers its existence in the midst of civilization and strategic environmental changes, towards the dynamic conditions of national resilience for maintaining order, stability and the potential for change (the stability idea of changes). The challenges and problems of national resilience are dynamic variants that require comprehensive thinking on systems, policies and the strategy on national behavior (behavior science), which supported by patriotism and the energy of national health security towards the role of the TNI to fill the zones and accumulation of health development that illustrate the performance of national self-sufficiency and national. The struggle of the nation’s health in the perspective of structural and participatory strength starts with the ability to drive leadership,

62 | Jurnal Pertahanan & Bela Negara | April 2020, Volume 10 Nomor 1

metabolic health community and agent of change that meets the reliability value of High Reliability Organization (HRO). The reliability that is formed will trigger the innovation and out of the box spirit to assemble a network (networking) for change, so that it is manifested as a performance of professional reliability that heightens the potential of the nation’s health and national resilience. Synergy of the National Health System (SKN) and the Defense Health System (Siskeshan) is a web of links to support the effort on the empowerment of the strategic value of national health.This strategy strengthens the national health network (one health) against the global health threats complexity that threaten the national resilience. The existence of Public Health Emergency global challenges in a form of outbreaks which spreads rapidly with unpredictable problematic, that triggers every nation to strengthen the nation struggle for synergizing the health development under the basis of national defense system.

Keywords: The endurance of nation, leadership, agent of change, Synergy of the National Health System (SKN) and the Defense Health System (Siskeshan), Unhan

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Strategi pembangunan kesehatan dan ketahanan nasional dalam perspektif daya juang bangsa.The strategy for the development of health and national resilience in the perspective of the nation’s power. PDF


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