Scientific Health Security – Bio Threat – Divergence of National Resilience


BG Soroy Lardo, MD, Internist, FINASIM, Infectious Diseases Consultant

Director of Research and Development

Indonesia Army Central Hospital of Gatot Soebroto


            Within the framework of Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), Referral Hospitals (RHs) serves as a commitment and spirit concerning global health issues and their complexities that have an impact on regional and national resilience. The dynamic global health state demands conceptual and planned acceleration of every component of the nation, preparing organizational potentials and health resources to deal with emerging diseases that are clearly fluctuated and unpredictable.

            September 2011 at the United Nation (UN) Assembly witnessed the decision of President Barack Obama by officially signing an agreement with World Health Organization (WHO) regarding global health security, urging all countries to establish capacities to handle public health emergencies. The gap that occurs amongst countries needs to be synergized given at that time only about 20% of the countries reported to have the ability to detect and respond to diseases in compliance with the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. The policies each country has concerning programs and resources to address global public health preparedness need to be followed up, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each government is expected to have a comprehensive strategy in guiding and measuring the impact of the rising public health emergencies.

download PDF: The Refferal Hospitals: Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) Typology



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